Get Known So You Can Get Nominated©
Many successful companies, when hiring, ask their most successful people, “Who do you know who would fit in this open role we have?” They trust their best people.
This session gets you to practice networking in such a way that you are “top of mind”, and get nominated by busy influencers -- your contact -- when their boss asks them that. Your custom Networking Handbill template is included!
If you get that nominating to happen, that hiring manager will view you at a much higher comfort level simply because a team member they respect has mentioned you. Why bother with answering ads, where it’s your resume vs dozens of others, when getting nominated by others is so much more powerful?
This one-to-one session with Joanne teaches you –
- How to get “Networking referral meetings” with busy influencers
- What to do DURING the meeting so that you’ll be remembered (hint: ask how YOU can help THEM)
- What to do AFTER the meeting, way beyond a thank-you note: how to keep this new contact from forgetting you! How to follow up, follow up, follow up.
Other effective methods you’ll learn:
- How to become “top of mind” when that contact is asked about people like you who they need to hire
- What platforms and tools to use, that’ll help you (it’s not just LinkedIn!)
- How to do “get nominated” networking in every phase of your career
As always with Joanne, you'll get 15+ guides about networking that will help you see how you can GET NOMINATED more easily and more frequently. Remember, having that respected person INSIDE the organization who's talking about you, is far more powerful than combing job boards. And less fatiguing!
***First, email Joanne to learn if this option is right for you. You and she willl have a brief talk (free) before you decide.***